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发布时间:2024-07-29 14:15:11

First, efforts to optimize the policy environment.
By targeting cutting-edge technologies, adhering to industrial development trends, focusing on key areas, and optimizing the integration of policies, we will create space for the growth of emerging industries and see that they gain a competitive advantage in the future.
伴随对《北京行动纲要 》和国际趋势提出的各种性别问题的敏感性和注意力的增强,促使政府深思熟虑地致力于按照性别平等的路线优化政策原则。
Subsequently, the greater sensitivity and application of gender issues occasioned by Beijing and international trends resulted in deliberate efforts to refine the tenets of the policy along gender lines. This process is still in progress.
3.3 开发署今后的全球方案将利用全球政策职能,优化政策组合,以便服务各国,并促进知识共享和南南交流。
3.3 UNDP's future global programme leverages the global policy function to optimize the policy mix in order to service countries and to promote knowledge sharing and South-South exchange.
Proportion of households consuming adequately iodized salt (disaggregated by wealth quintile). Support national capacity to achieve MDGs 4 and 5 through increased coverage of integrated packages of services, improved practices and an enhanced policy environment
The Global Migration Group could play a key role in magnifying the benefits and minimizing the negative effects of migration, for example by optimizing coherence and complementarities in policies and programming.
On this occasion, UNESCO will launch a global initiative Her Education, Our Future to galvanise cooperation around three main pillars: better data, better policies and better practices for girls' and women's empowerment through education.
UNESCO calls for greater political commitment to gender equality in the form of laws and policies.
Optimizing the supporting policies, coordination and establishing industry guidance funds and equity investment guidance funds, according to the principle of government guidance, market-oriented operation and specialized administration, local governments shall be encouraged to make more investment in advanced manufacturing and catalyze the support of various private capital for the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry. Diversified credit risk sharing mechanisms shall be vigorously explored, and, by establishing risk compensation funds, government guarantee funds, and emergency response on-lending funds, etc., financial institutions shall be supported in investing more credit in the manufacturing industry. The mechanism of cooperation between banks and financing guarantee institutions shall be further improved, and a reasonable enterprise loan risk sharing and interest rate consultation mechanism shall be established. The development of the social credit system shall be further strengthened, and the escape from financial obligations shall be severely cracked down upon so as to protect the lawful rights and interests of financial institutions.
Our view is that the combined effect of existing stimulative policies will continue to support job creation and a progressive acceleration in retail price inflation. These dynamics are evident in the service price categories and present an opportunity for investors to be long inflation-linked securities. Stepping up the monetary and fiscal/structural response, and smartening their interaction, would be welcome steps. One could envisage, for example, central banks buying ultra-long-dated securities issued by national or supranational entities to fund projects with long-term payouts (in human capital or physical capital areas such as education or infrastructure). Or schemes where central bank funding can help in the recapitalisation of banks as they offload non-performing loans.
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